As I said somewhere earlier, I have two kids – a boy of 15 and a girl of 7. They go to school and generally my wife and I don’t preach to them a lot about the importance of learning; we just encourage them to do the best they can.

Few months ago we were invited by Daniel’s Math teacher, who warned us about his lack of interest in the subject and his rather low marks. We discussed about the ways we can help him to understand the importance of giving more effort to get better marks, but we didn’t want to spook him into developing an aversion toward school.

Instead, we tried to think of some way that will awaken his interest in it. And I thought I found just the best possible solution. You see, all boys look up to their fathers (luckily :D) and admire them whatever it is that they do; and I’m just a mere salesman, as I might have mentioned. I suggested that we buy this new gadget we got at the store – a graphing calculator, and see if it will inspire him to practice more. My wife thought that it was a great suggestion and worth a shot. So we bought it.

We were very pleased to find out that he really liked it. We only had to wait a while to see if he will stick to this newly discovered interest in Math. After just two weeks, we were again summoned by his Math teacher, only to be informed that Daniel has improved greatly not only in Math, but in all other natural sciences! He too was totally surprised by this sudden change of attitude towards these subjects.

That’s why, I would strongly recommend this useful gadget to anyone with the similar problem. Nothing will inspire the interest in Math as easily and quickly as that! Trust me :)

I would like to present you relatively new accessory, specially designed for math enthusiasts, statisticians, economists, physicists… - graphing calculator.

You will find on these pages all you need to know about them. I will focus on their purpose and on how to find the right one for you.

There are virtually hundreds of designs, models and brands; all different depending on what you need it to perform. It has proved quite useful in students’ community. Of course, not only students find it useful – it can be quite applicable in various numbers-related professions, as you will see in my following posts.

They are a bit expensive, so you have to be extra careful when looking for one to buy for yourself or anyone else. You need to take into account all the factors before you decide on the product. I spent more than a week doing research when I was buying it for my kid, read hundreds of pages on this topic and then I finally was certain what I wanted to buy – what functions, what model, brand, version…

You can easily make a mistake if you don’t take into consideration various important factors and waste some of your cash. That’s why I will try to cover all the most important things you need to know before buying one. As I said I spent a lot of time in research about these things, so I collected pretty impressive collection of notes about what things to consider when buying.

However, I do hope that some of you out there will join me in this venture of mine and maybe enlighten us all with some of the information that slipped pass me and I forgot to mention. And besides that, feel free to correct me if I’m wrong somewhere; after all, I’m just a fan of these helpful little accessories, not an expert. On the other hand, I do hope you find the information here useful.