I would like to present you relatively new accessory, specially designed for math enthusiasts, statisticians, economists, physicists… - graphing calculator.

You will find on these pages all you need to know about them. I will focus on their purpose and on how to find the right one for you.

There are virtually hundreds of designs, models and brands; all different depending on what you need it to perform. It has proved quite useful in students’ community. Of course, not only students find it useful – it can be quite applicable in various numbers-related professions, as you will see in my following posts.

They are a bit expensive, so you have to be extra careful when looking for one to buy for yourself or anyone else. You need to take into account all the factors before you decide on the product. I spent more than a week doing research when I was buying it for my kid, read hundreds of pages on this topic and then I finally was certain what I wanted to buy – what functions, what model, brand, version…

You can easily make a mistake if you don’t take into consideration various important factors and waste some of your cash. That’s why I will try to cover all the most important things you need to know before buying one. As I said I spent a lot of time in research about these things, so I collected pretty impressive collection of notes about what things to consider when buying.

However, I do hope that some of you out there will join me in this venture of mine and maybe enlighten us all with some of the information that slipped pass me and I forgot to mention. And besides that, feel free to correct me if I’m wrong somewhere; after all, I’m just a fan of these helpful little accessories, not an expert. On the other hand, I do hope you find the information here useful.

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